Football passing drills at home | 570 passes #1

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How to train passes at home? Quite simply. A small square will suffice. In this football passing drills at home, you will make 570 passes in about 14 minutes. You can combine this passing exercise with other exercises to create your own workout at home.

Passing training includes:

  • passes with inside foot 30 right 30 left 30 both legs, 30 over the back
  • passes with instep 30 right 30 left 30 both feet
  • passes with inside foot volley 30 right 30 left 30 both feet
  • passes with instep volley 30 right 30 left 30 both feet
  • passes with inside foot half-volley plate 30 right 30 left 30 both feet
  • passes with instep half-volley 30 right 30 left 30 both feet